Do you know what constitutes a drink? At what blood alcohol level is it illegal to drive? Learn the ABCs of BAC with this resource!
Alcohol use remains one of the greatest dangers facing youth today. The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in drinking among adults, and an increase of alcohol in the home, putting youth at risk. The Centers for Disease Control reports that alcohol-related deaths spiked a staggering 26% in the first year of the pandemic.
Parents and other adults have a responsibility to not only keep their alcohol locked up safely, but be able to talk to youth about the damage that drinking can do to their young bodies and brains.
Below are a series of resources devoted to helping to promote those critical conversations, deliver the facts about teen drinking, and help young people make good decisions when it comes to alcohol and other substances.
The Governor’s Prevention Partnership builds statewide capacity to prevent underage drinking and substance use and builds strategic alliances to promote the overall well-being of Connecticut’s future workforce.