We actively empower families, providing the tools they need for strength and resilience. In turn, our work contributes to the creation of more vibrant, healthy communities across Connecticut.
The Governor’s Prevention Partnership is dedicated to reducing youth substance use and promoting healthy communities. Using data-informed prevention strategies, we provide training to young people and adults on the dangers of substance use, including the risks associated with different substances and the long-term effects on physical and mental health.
Through a series of initiatives, we teach youth and adults skills such as identifying and avoiding high-risk situations, communication skills, and building a support system. Additionally, our training empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills to have meaningful conversations with their peers, family, and community members about substance misuse prevention.
We constantly update our training offerings to reflect the latest research and best practices in the field. We also harness new communications platforms to reach the most people possible.
We also understand the importance of youth mentoring as a critical protective factor in preventing substance use. That’s why we offer services for interested adults to sign up as mentors and a portal to refer youth in need of mentors to organizations around Connecticut.
Additionally, as the Connecticut affiliate of MENTOR, we provide training and support to mentors and mentoring organizations to ensure they are equipped with the latest best practices in the field of mentoring.
The 2019 Connecticut School Health Survey revealed that one-third of students did not have an adult at school to turn to for help.
The Governor’s Prevention Partnership builds statewide capacity to prevent underage drinking and substance use and builds strategic alliances to promote the overall well-being of Connecticut’s future workforce.