Youth Advisory Board


Regular Prevention-Focused Meetings

The Youth Advisory Board convenes regularly throughout the year to support all youth who are actively involved in the work of their Local Prevention Councils* (LPC) and/or coalitions.  Board meetings provide a forum for youth members to garner peer feedback regarding local community initiatives, drive the group’s annual scope of work through the examination of common prevention topics of concern to all members and simply have fun together.

Professional Development

Youth have an opportunity to network with like-minded young people, collaborate on overarching prevention initiatives and develop their own professional skills through advanced trainings in prevention, leadership and advocacy.  Professional guest speakers are invited to share their expertise during Board Meetings and special training sessions designed just for Youth Advisory Board members.

Influential Advisory Roles

Members of the Youth Advisory Board frequently serve as ambassadors for their peers in providing local, state and federal legislative testimony on relevant prevention issues.  Members may participate in and provide leadership for local, regional and statewide trainings/events/initiatives such as National Prevention Week, Drug Take-Back Days and more.

Statewide Connections

The Board is enriched through the vast diversity of its participants from all corners of our state and is recognized by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) to satisfy specific grantee requirements.

More Information

Please complete the following form if you’d like a member of The Partnership to reach out with information on joining. 

The Governor’s Prevention Partnership builds statewide capacity to prevent underage drinking and substance use and builds strategic alliances to promote the overall well-being of Connecticut’s future workforce.