
Although adult-use cannabis is now legal in Connecticut, it is still illegal for people under the age of 21 to use it, and for good reason. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Studies have found that cannabis impacts the developing brain, impairing judgment, memory, and coordination. It also can have negative effects on mental health, particularly in teenagers. According to the Partnership to End Addiction, using a cannabis product with a THC potency of over 15% is linked to a three-fold increase in the likelihood of experiencing mental health and other problems.”

This danger is compounded by the fact that cannabis products are now stronger than ever. Newly formulated concentrates, extracts, and other products can have upwards of 90% THC. That’s compared to an average THC concentration of 2% before 1990.

The Partnership is committed to providing up-to-date resources for parents, mentors, and other caring adults on cannabis, so that they can talk to young people about the very real harms of using this substance at a young age.

Cannabis-Specific Resources

Do you know how to recognize if a child or pet has accidently ingested cannabis? If not, has a resource for you! This page will teach your how to recognize accidental cannabis ingestion and learn what steps to take if it happens.

General Substance Misuse Resources

Connecticut has established 21 as the legal minimum age for drinking alcohol, purchasing tobacco products, cannabis use, and casino gambling. This is for good reason! Learn why 21 is the legal minimum age.
Natural High seeks to distribute drug prevention and life skill resources to help young people thrive. They work with influencers young people admire to create free and impactful content for educators and parents.
The Partnership to End Addiction is a diverse community of researchers, advocates, clinicians, and communicators who work together to provide addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery resources. provides Connecticut with a variety of resources to help understand, prevent, and recover from substance use disorders.

The Governor’s Prevention Partnership builds statewide capacity to prevent underage drinking and substance use and builds strategic alliances to promote the overall well-being of Connecticut’s future workforce.