Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™ Standard 5: Monitoring and Support & Standard 6: Closure
Match monitoring is an essential component of successful mentoring programs and fulfills a variety of needs. Checking in with mentors, mentees, and parents on a regular basis is an important tool for risk management and has been found to lead to stronger, longer lasting relationships. Matches that are monitored and supported are more satisfying and successful, which, in turn, leads to more positive youth outcomes. Mentoring relationships can end for any number of reasons, including the contracted match duration has ended, one or both participants do not want to continue the match, or there are changes in life circumstances in one or both of the match partner’s lives. When the decision has been made to end the formal mentoring relationship, programs should always facilitate the match closure in a way that affirms the contributions of both the mentor and the mentee and end the relationship on a positive note for everyone involved.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the purposes of monitoring, support, and closure.
- Apply evidence-based protocol to develop a plan to monitor the mentor relationship.
- Assess the quality of the match from the perspective of both the mentor and mentee.
- Identify prevention and interventions to closures.
- Develop closure procedures including guidelines for rematch.
- Demonstrate facilitating the closure process.
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