Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™ Standard 1: Recruitment

Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™ Standard 1: Recruitment

Recruiting mentors is one of the most significant challenges facing mentoring programs. Mentors’ unfulfilled expectations can lead to a premature ending to a mentoring relationship. However, a clear and concise recruitment plan can make a significant difference.

This training will equip program coordinators with the skills and resources needed to develop and implement a recruitment plan to sustain programming.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify strategies that work for recruiting mentors.
  • Define the fundamental steps to develop a clear and concise recruitment plan.
  • Develop recruitment strategies driven by program goals.

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The Governor’s Prevention Partnership builds statewide capacity to prevent underage drinking and substance use and builds strategic alliances to promote the overall well-being of Connecticut’s future workforce.