Orientation to Mentoring

You have made a wonderful and very important decision in choosing to become a mentor. If you’ve reached this conclusion, you’ve done enough research to have an idea how different each mentoring situation can be. Most of us have had a teacher, supervisor, or coach who has been a mentor to us and made a positive difference in our lives. Those people wore many hats, acting as delegators, role models, cheerleaders, policy enforcers, advocates, and friends. Mentors assume these different roles during the course of a relationship.

Learning Objectives

• To better understand the issues and environmental factors facing our youth today.
• To understand the role and COMMITMENT of the mentor.
• To understand and demonstrate practices of effective mentors.

Session Outline

• What is Youth Mentoring
• Why Do Youth Need Mentors?
• Types of Mentoring
• Role of a Mentor
• Pitfalls of Mentoring
• Stages in Relationship
• Mentor Commitment

NOTE: This event will be recorded for future distribution

The Governor’s Prevention Partnership builds statewide capacity to prevent underage drinking and substance use and builds strategic alliances to promote the overall well-being of Connecticut’s future workforce.